PokemonGo! CrochetGo! : how to crochet a Great Ball ! - free pattern
Great ball Pokeball free crochet amigurumi tutorial and pattern - Superball Pokeball modèle gratuit et tutorial de crochet amigurumi
Good trainers will tell you : when you wanna catch them all, you never have too many pokeballs !
Last time I published a step-by-step free pattern for the basic Pokeball : here is the link
I assume that, as motivated trainer, you've made some progress since then, so you should be ready to crochet the Great Ball !

The Great Ball (スーパーボール Super Ball) is a type of Poké Ball that has a blue top and a white bottom, as well as the horizontal black ring and two red accents. It has a 50% higher chance to successfully catch a Pokemon than that of a regular Poké Ball. (source : Pokepedia)
This means to me that there's 50% higher chance that you'd like to crochet it... ;)
So here is the pattern, have fun !

the Great Ball is crocheted as the Pokeball, except for the color : use blue yarn instead of red
If help needed, you can refer to previous Pokeball photo tutorial : HERE
IN BLUE 1/ 6 SC in a magic ring (6) SL ST in the 1st ST , CH 2/ INC x 6 (12) 3/ [SC, INC] x 6 (18), SL ST, CH 4/ SC, INC, [SC, SC, INC] x 5, SC (24), SL ST, CH 5/ [SC, SC, SC, INC] x 6 (30), SL ST, CH 6/ SC, SC, INC, [SC, SC, SC, SC, INC] x 5, SC, SC (36), SL ST, CH 7/ [SC, SC, SC, SC, SC, INC] x 6 (42), SL ST, CH 8/ SC, SC, SC, INC, [SC, SC, SC, SC, SC, SC, INC] x 5, SC, SC, SC (42), SL ST, CH 9/ 48 SC (48), SL ST, CH 10/ 48 SC (48), change color to BLACK, SL ST, CH 11/ 48 BLO SC (48), SL ST, CH
12/ 48 SC (48), change color to WHITE, SL ST, CH
13/ 48 BLO SC (48), SL ST, CH
14/ 48 SC (48), SL ST, CH (my white yarn is a little thicker than my blue, you might need to add another 48 sc row if your yarns are of equal thickness)
15/ SC, SC, SC, DEC, [SC, SC, SC, SC, SC, SC, DEC] x 5, SC, SC, SC (42), SL ST, CH
16/ [SC, SC, SC, SC, SC, DEC] x 6 (36), SL ST, CH
17/ SC, SC, DEC, [SC, SC, SC, SC, DEC] x 5, SC, SC (30), SL ST, CH
18/ [SC, SC, SC, DEC] x 6 (24), SL ST, CH
19/ SC, DEC, [SC, SC, DEC] x 5, SC (18), SL ST, CH - stuff firmly
20/ [SC, DEC] x 6 (12), SL ST, CH
21/ DEC x 6 (6)
close your ball using June's technique : here
*BUTTON 1/ white, in a magic ring crochet 6 SC (6), SL ST, CH 2/ INCG x 6 (12), SL ST, FO 3/ in black : using "surface crochet" technique (tutorial here) embroid a ST in each ST of the previous raw (12), SL ST, CH 4/ crochet in the same ST as previous raw (over the "surface" stitches) : [SC, INC] x 6 (18), SL ST, FO (leave a long tail for sewing)
HOW TO Surface crochet : video here
Sew the button on the ball, centered on the black stripe. *RED ACCENTS make 2
ch 12 + 1
insert hook in 2nd stitch from the hook) sc 12 ch 1 and turn
sc 12, fo leave a tail for sewing
SEW the red accent on blue half (watch video)
Let's go after those Pokemons ?
Next time I'll publish the pattern for MasterBall ^ - ^

Pokeball and Pokemon are copyright Nintendo. This pattern is an original pattern by Nathalie Nuisement - MyLittleCuteAmis. All photos are right reserved ©Nathalie Nuisement DO NOT SELL or DISTRIBUTE this pattern. DO NOT CLAIM this pattern as your own. DO NOT COPY / REPRINT this pattern and photos on your site, if you wish to share this pattern you may link to this page
For details or help, contact me by email : nathalie.nuisement@gmail.com