¡Hola! the Alpaca, a brand new free crochet pattern
Patron crochet de l’alpaga - Alpaca crochet pattern Voici un nouveau modèle amigurumi : ¡Hola! l'alpaga .. faut dire qu'il y en a de...

Mister Bean, the nice little kidney free crochet pattern
Il y a un an, juste avant Noël, un ancien collègue s'est vu diagnostiquer un cancer et a dû subir une ablation du rein. Un an plus tard,...

Baymax, le modèle crochet gratuit - Baymax, free crochet pattern
(see bellow for pattern in English :) Coucou! Cela faisait bien longtemps que je n'avais pu me remettre au crochet, et cela m'avait bien...

Tuto des techniques de base pour réaliser des amigurumis
Voici un projet de saison : de petites boules de Noël à partir de petite sphère crochetée !
C'est un projet idéal pour apprendre le croc

Kawaii bears ice cream, free crochet pattern and tutorial
I take the opportunity that I was just asked to crochet my amigurumi of Kawaii bears ice cream for Christmas to put in writing this pattern.

Snow White, my 1st amigurumi doll !
Looking for a pattern to crochet an amigurumi doll ? Look no further, here's my pattern review and test of a free doll pattern

Chansey (Pokemon #113 Leveinard), pattern review
This week, I was asked to crochet a Chansey. It's future owner was given one plastic figurine of Chansey years ago and it became its...

Wooper (Pokemon#194 Axoloto), free crochet pattern
Yesterday, when I was writing the review for Mudkip pattern (Pokemon #258 Gobou) : link here, it reminded me of Axoloto, (Wooper in...

Mudkip (Pokemon #258 Gobou), amigurumi pattern review
What do you think of Gobou, named Mudkip in English ? In my personal list of the cutest Pokemons, he's certainely in Top 20, even if he...

Vileplume (Pokemon#045 Rafflesia)
Following my Oddish pattern, then my Gloom pattern, I owed to design Vileplume ! Its French name is "Rafflesia" referring to the flower...