Totoro key cosy pattern, Porte clef Totoro au crochet
Here is my new pattern to make a beautiful Key Cosy in shape of a Totoro. We never have enough of Totoro's poetry in our daily life, do...

Tawashi Totoro pattern, chiffonnette Totoro crochetée en coton xl
(pattern in US terms available at the bottom of this page) Rien ne vaut la nouvelle année pour les bonnes résolutions. De mon côté : -...

Etoiles granny pour Noël
Encore un tuto de saison !! Qui n'aime pas les étoiles ? C'est un modèle que l'on peut réaliser en laine ou en coton, selon votre stock,...

Chunky mitten, easy peasy crochet pattern - Moufles en grosse laine, modèle crochet simplissime
Crochet your own chunky mitten with this easy peasy crochet pattern ! Crochetez vous-même vos moufles en grosse laine avec ce tuto facile !

+10 Free crochet patterns for Christmas
Hey, it's nearly christmas and I have trouble to keep the pace between my website and all special requests Santa Claus has asked me to...

Mets ton bonnet
Comme chaque année, Innocent organise l'opération "mets ton bonnet" au profit des Petits Frères des Pauvres. Le principe est simple :...

It's a pumpkin, it's a pokeball, it's a Pumpkeball !!
Everything is in the tittle, so let's starts with this quick and simple project of Pumpkeball ! I have designed it small so you can...

Wooper (Pokemon#194 Axoloto), free crochet pattern
Yesterday, when I was writing the review for Mudkip pattern (Pokemon #258 Gobou) : link here, it reminded me of Axoloto, (Wooper in...

Vileplume (Pokemon#045 Rafflesia)
Following my Oddish pattern, then my Gloom pattern, I owed to design Vileplume ! Its French name is "Rafflesia" referring to the flower...

Gloom (Pokemon#044 Ortide)
Following my Oddish crochet pattern, it was only logical that my next pattern would be Gloom. Its French name is "Ortide" referring to...