May the crochet be with you. Yeah, I'm hooked on Star Wars !
It's no big secret that I'm a huge fan of Star Wars.
Of course, I was a bit disappointed by the Prequel Trilogy, I believe I'm sort of intelorant to Midi-Chlorian (didn't that ruined all the magic of the Force really ?) But though... Obi wan Kenobi was really convincing and Padme was a beautiful Queen Amidala (even if her political skills really puzzled me, like calling for a vote to remove the Chancellor and the morning after, decide to go back to Naboo cos' the Republic is dysfunctional ... then why bringing Palpatine to power ?) also, watching "young" Yoda jumping around was kinda cool when the giggles stopped... So, as you see, I tried to keep the force strong in me, and I was so happy when the new trilogy started. More, I really enjoyed this new episode and I'm now longing for the next one !
Meanwhile, I'm trying to combine both passion : Star Wars and crochet. Here is the beginning of a serie of tiny characters that I started to design. So far it's been equally fun and tricky to do : tiny characters have only few stitches, so when it comes to simplify a character, there are choices to be done to keep the essential of a character to be recognized and also to convey its personality through these few stitches.
I hope you'll enjoy this personal work,
I'll add my characters along as I create them.