Enjoy a slice of summer !
This week, watermelon is the theme of the "Serial Crocheteuses & more" challenge.
I promised my daughter Emma to crochet her a coin purse one of these days and I must confess it was, er.. like months ago ? It's high time to fulfill my promise and this theme is just perfect : who wouldn't love a watermelon coin purse ?
So here it is, with a quickie description below if you want to try to make one too
Le challenge de SC&more est hébergé ici
Le musée des SC&more c'est par là !

Material :
hook : 2,5
yarn : Caline by Bergère de France in red, white and green + black for embroidery
fabric : 2 pieces of 13x13 cm
Coin purse frame 85 mm / 45 mm
Start with red yarn
1/ 12 DC in magic ring, sl st
2/ ch3, DC in same st, 2 DC in same st x 11 (24), sl st
3/ ch3, DC in same st, DC, [ 2 DC in same st, DC] x 11 (36), sl st
4/ ch3, DC in same st, DC, DC, [ 2 DC in same st, DC, DC] x 11 (48), sl st
5/ ch3, DC in same st, DC, DC, DC [ 2 DC in same st, DC, DC, DC] x 11 (60), sl st CHANGE COLOR : WHITE
6/ ch2, HDC in same st, HDC, HDC, HDC, HDC [ 2 HDC in same st, HDC, HDC, HDC, HDC] x 11 (72), sl st CHANGE COLOR : GREEEN
7/ ch2, HDC in each next st (72)
fasten off
with black yarn embroider the black seeds on row 3 et and row 4
Make 2nd slice of watermelon, sew them together with yarn but only half way
draw a circle (size of a watermelon slice) on the wrong side of the fabric : see picture 2 of the mosaic sew the 2 pieces of fabric together (color inside) but only half way : see picture 3 fold outside the other part of the fabric : see pictures 1 and 2
actually I have sewn inner lining to frame then watermelon slice to lining with invisible stich : see central picture, but it's a bit tricky, and it might depend on your type of frame, so sew it as you feel it best
OPTION : MAKE A WATERMELON POMPOM and sew it to the coin purse : see picture 6