Chansey (Pokemon #113 Leveinard), pattern review
This week, I was asked to crochet a Chansey. It's future owner was given one plastic figurine of Chansey years ago and it became its...

Mudkip (Pokemon #258 Gobou), amigurumi pattern review
What do you think of Gobou, named Mudkip in English ? In my personal list of the cutest Pokemons, he's certainely in Top 20, even if he...

Eevee (Pokemon #133), amigurumi pattern review
It's been a long time since I wanted (needed) to try this Eevee pattern created by Clare Heesh / 53stitches. Lately, I have spent most of...

Frenchy Kitty, BonjourKitty ! =^-^=
Cette semaine, j'ai eu une demande spéciale : une Kitty version Frenchy ! Le noeud et la robe devait être bleu, blanc et rouge comme le...

Baby Sneakers
Le mois dernier je réalisais cette paire de chaussons bébé au crochet façon sneakers d'Adidas pour le bb à venir d'un ami. Ce mois-ci,...

BB8 - This is the droid you are looking for
Hey, guess what ?! I found the perfect pattern to celebrate the release of the last Star Wars video "The Force Awakens". We watched it...