Pumpkaboo (Pokemon #710 Pitrouille)
As I was seeking for the next pokemon to design in crochet, my son pointed out Pumpkaboo (Pitrouille in French), one of his fav and also...

Let's play war! Nathan Vincent, 2015
From now on, every month, I give you at least one rendez-vous on my blog to discover (or rediscover) a contemporary artist who places the...

Chansey (Pokemon #113 Leveinard), pattern review
This week, I was asked to crochet a Chansey. It's future owner was given one plastic figurine of Chansey years ago and it became its...

Wooper (Pokemon#194 Axoloto), free crochet pattern
Yesterday, when I was writing the review for Mudkip pattern (Pokemon #258 Gobou) : link here, it reminded me of Axoloto, (Wooper in...

Mudkip (Pokemon #258 Gobou), amigurumi pattern review
What do you think of Gobou, named Mudkip in English ? In my personal list of the cutest Pokemons, he's certainely in Top 20, even if he...

Booo, here is HalloWeedle !
So I created this pattern by chance. This weekend, I could not decide wether I should crochet a Pokemon or an Halloween ornament. Then,...

Vileplume (Pokemon#045 Rafflesia)
Following my Oddish pattern, then my Gloom pattern, I owed to design Vileplume ! Its French name is "Rafflesia" referring to the flower...

Gloom (Pokemon#044 Ortide)
Following my Oddish crochet pattern, it was only logical that my next pattern would be Gloom. Its French name is "Ortide" referring to...

Capezzoli di Venere (Nipples of Venus) crochet free pattern, Octobre Rose / Pink October
(Scroll down for pattern in English) Montrez vos seins, c'est pour la bonne cause !! Cette année, la campagne de sensibilisation sur le...

Oddish (Pokemon #043 Mystherbe), free crochet amigurumi pattern
When it comes to crocheting Pokemons, Oddish is an obvious choice as the main shape is a ball. Here is my version of Oddish from the...