Jigglypuff (Pokemon #039 Rondoudou), free crochet pattern
Do you remember this little pink fairy Pokemon that can sing a lullaby that will make you fall asleep and then with a marker, he will...

PokemonGo! Gastly (Pokemon #092 Fantominus) free amigurumi crochet pattern
Since I've tried Eevee pattern created by 53stitches (see this pattern review post -> here ) earlier this week, I became like obsessed...

Eevee (Pokemon #133), amigurumi pattern review
It's been a long time since I wanted (needed) to try this Eevee pattern created by Clare Heesh / 53stitches. Lately, I have spent most of...

PokemonGo! CrochetGo! #048 Venonat (Mimitoss) free amigurumi crochet pattern
Here's a new Pokemon I designed this weekend : #048 Venonat or Mimitoss in French. I like his French name better. It was a challenge to...

Pikachu Key Cosy free crochet pattern
It's a Pikachu, it's a key cosy, it's a Pikakicosi !! Here is my brand new free pattern and step-by-step crochet tutorial, with a Pikachu...

PokemonGo! CrochetGo! : how to crochet a Great Ball ! - free pattern
Great ball Pokeball free crochet amigurumi tutorial and pattern - Superball Pokeball modèle gratuit et tutorial de crochet amigurumi Good...

Amigurumi - Pikachu for CrochetGO! PokemonGo!
Amigurumi Pikachu free pattern super easy and so kawaii !! Amigurumi Pikachu : modèle gratuit au crochet super facile à réaliser et si...

CrochetGo Paris : la chasse aux Pokémon Crochet est ouverte à Paris !!
CrochetGO! Kezako ? Lancé par Nichole Dunigan, une crocheteuse texane et fan de Pokemon, avec le projet CrochetGO! il s'agit de...

PokemonGo! CrochetGo! #072 Tentacool free crochet pattern
#072 Tentacool modèle crochet gratuit avec tuto photo - #072 Tentacool free crochet pattern with step-by-step photo tutorial Comme il me...

PokemonGo! CrochetGo! #060 Ptitard / Poliwag free crochet pattern and step-by-step photo tutorial
#060 Ptitard patron crochet gratuit avec tuto photo step-by-step / Poliwag free crochet pattern and step-by-step photo tutorial Un petit...